Salford storm is a community led non profit football club with over 30 volunteers across the club. Our volunteers are passionate about our club and bringing football to our community.
How do I become a coach?
Contact Us to become a coach. Becoming a coach is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. We have successfully introduced over 30 coaches into football. We will aim to get you the right qualification and hold your hand every step of the way
I don't want to coach but can I still help?
Absolutely! As a non profit organisation we require help across many areas. We have a lot of volunteers that assist coaches with the running of a team. There are also other areas around the club where volunteers are needed like clubhouse repairs, decorations and maintenance, club photography, social media and many more. Please get in touch to offer your help.
Does it cost me anything to become a coach?
No! All costs are covered by the club including your qualification and development. There maybe times where you need to pay a referee fee of approx £10 but the club quickly reimburses you.
How much time will I need to give?
A typical coach gives approx 2-4 hours a week, A 1 hour training session in the week and a 1 hour match on a Saturday/Sunday. Additional time for set up time and communication is required. Coaches sometimes recruit an assistant to help them with the running of the team and to share the responsibility,